Bar News

SAN Calls on NBA, Lawyers, Nigerians to Join Hands to Save Judiciary from Imminent Collapse

  • June 21, 2022
  • 6 min read
SAN Calls on NBA, Lawyers, Nigerians to Join Hands to Save Judiciary from Imminent Collapse
The CreedBlog

By John Austin Unachukwu

J.S. Okutepa SAN, has called on the Nigerian Bar Association ( NBA), Body of Senior Advocates of Nigeria ( BOSAN), Nigerians  and stakeholders in justice sector to save the Judiciary in the country  from imminent collapse.

In his statement made available to The Creed, the senior lawyer lamented the poor working condition and welfare of  serving Judges and Justices of our Courts.

He stated that: “ This has prompted some  senior lawyers to join hands with Chief S.T. Hon SAN, in the fight for the improvement of the welfare and working condition of our Judges”

“ We cannot pretend that all is well with our judiciary. Judiciary in Nigeria is sick. It is on life sport. It is lacking financial oxygen. Judicial officers are under serious and excruciating environmentally unhygienic conditions. That itself has polluted the stream of justice

If you don’t want he-goats to fornicate, then you must train the she-goats to learn to cover her nakedness.

He spoke against the backdrop of a letter written to the Chief Justice of Nigeria, Justice Tanko Muhammad by the 14 serving Justices of the Supreme Court complaining of the deplorable working condition of the Justices of the Supreme Court of Nigeria.

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Justice Tanko Muhammed

A release by Okutepa SAN reads: “ A few days ago, 14 serving justices of the Supreme Court wrote a letter to the Hon.  the Chief Justice of Nigeria Justice Tank Muhammad. In the letter,  their lordships lamented the excruciating pains and experiences they go through to dispense justice in the apex court. Their lordships, I believe decided to document their complaints to the CJN, to demonstrate the degree of seriousness the matter has assumed. I will not repeat what they said here. My main worry here is how these noble men and women of advanced age can be subjected to the agony they demonstrated in their letter and then we still expect them to deliver justice in judgments.

Goats, said my dad,  do not bite unless pushed to  extreme provocation and against the wall. I think their lordships have been pushed to the wall beyond the limit of elasticity of endurance. Currently Chief S. T. Hon SAN is in court to fight, for the relevant authorities to do their work by increasing the salaries and allowances of our judicial officers across board. Many of us Senior Advocates of Nigeria have joined him to fight this noble cause. 

There is no dispute that Nigerian judiciary is not being fairly treated, not only by the other arms of Government but by some of those who have the privilege to lead that arm of government. There is more we need to do as lawyers and Nigerians to see that the lots of Nigerian judiciary and judicial officers are bettered than we have now. 

These judges in the first place are human beings. If you don’t want he-goats to fornicate, then you must train the she-goats to learn to cover her nakedness.

These judges take merge salaries but they try causes and cases that involve billions of Dollars and Naira. They are prone and vulnerable to temptations in a bid to do their work. We want corrupt free judiciary,  but we are not prepared to do what will insulate the judiciary from corruption. Judges have no good cars. When state governments acquired some substandard cars for these judiciary officers, they go to town to advertise it as achievements. Nigerian judiciary still writes in long hands. No good working environment. Some judges still climb bikes in some places. Some cars of these judges are so- rickety that they are like dead traps.

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NBA President, Olumide Akpata,

The letter by all the Justices of the Supreme Court to the Hon.  the Chief Justice of Nigeria should worry us as leaders of the Bar. I just hope the Body of Senior Advocates and the leadership of NBA will not look at the letter as one of the usual things with Nigeria.

When my lord, Justice Ejembi  Eko JSC, as he then was, in his valedictory speech at the Special Court session marking his retirement from the Supreme Court Bench, made some revelations and called that EFCC and ICPC should look into the ways and manner heads of court were managing money allocated to the judiciary, he was speaking as an insider. He spoke the minds of many oppressed judex and judicial officers. He spoke the minds of all reasonable users of seat of justice in Nigeria. He was frank and blunt as anyone with reasoning faculty can appreciate. 

The efforts by S. T. Hon SAN and some of us in the court is good, but we need to do more. Truth needs to be told and those who have denied the judicial officers of even the meagre resources they ought to get and they are not getting should be dealt with according to law. 

TheNigeriaLawyer (TNL) Celebrates A Legal Icon, J. S. Okutepa, SAN @ 60 -  TheNigeriaLawyer

We cannot pretend that all is well with our judiciary. Judiciary in Nigeria is sick. It is on life sport. It is lacking financial oxygen. Judicial officers are under serious and excruciating environmentally unhygienic conditions. That itself has polluted the stream of justice. No man who is hungry can select the meals to eat. I have not seen the leadership of the legal profession doing want it ought to do. The just concluded primaries of political parties showed that there is money in Nigeria. The mumbo jumbo salaries and allowances by other arms of government should be extended to the judiciary. Judiciary must be well equipped to delivery justice to Nigerian people.

Judicial financial autonomy responsibility of FG - Sebastine Hon - Daily  Post Nigeria

We have starved the judiciary to the points that their lordships can no longer bear it. They have spoken and I believe the 14 wise men of the Supreme Court spoke for the entire judiciary. In some states judges are just treated by their chief judges as if they the Chief Judges are superior in knowledge and learning than their brother judges. That should not be. The Bar and the Bench must come together now to fight for liberation of the judiciary from the slavery status it has been put by those within and outside the judiciary. Unless we do so, we may return to the state of nature where people will no longer use the judiciary to settle their disputes. God forbids that this happened” Okutepa stated

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